Inhale. Can you smell it? There is literally a sign on Hwy. 1 North that someone nailed to a pine tree that reads: Free. Fresh air. I still laugh when I pass it. There is a sign near The Wharf Restaurant here in Lubec that reads: Breathe freely. You're in Maine. For 5 years my husband and I look for real estate, plotted our escape from the landlocked Midwest, and searched for jobs to be able to get here BEFORE retirement. We are here (thanks to COVID . . . long story) working our dreams in our 1890 farmhouse. We started Sully's by the Sea bakery last year as a farm stand, added smoked meat Saturdays to this year's schedule and I, Laurie, became a new property manager. So, if you need some air, some quiet, you found this little place, and I would love to help you find your place to lay your head in our scenic Lubec.